Premières Spé LLCE - Unit 4 'Fighting Eachother, Healing Together'

'Fighting Eachother, Healing Together'

Axe: relation entre l'individu et le groupe

Homework Choose one of the Normal Rockwell 'Four Freedom' paintings.  Write a short biography of the artist, the historical and social context that birthed the painting /  an image description / and an analysis of their choices

Written Expression documents:

Familiarise yourselves with Norman Rockwell's 'War Hero'

'The Wound Dresser - Walt Whitman
Reading Comprehension:

Oral Comprehension:

 Dreams of Immortality

Axes:  'Imaginaires Effrayants'

                                 'Utopies & Dystopies'

Oral Comprehension:
'In Time' - Offical Trailer (click link)

Oral comprehension questions:

a. How much ‘time’ does the protagonist usually have on an average day ?

b. What recent changes mentioned in the video have made the main characters upset or put them at risk ?

c. What delema does the woman in red face ?

d. What is the bus driver’s reaction ?

e. How old is the protagonist ?

f. How old is the man he’s speaking to ?

g. What is the ‘truth’ according to the man in the suit ?

h. What can we assume about the man in the suit’s position and circumstances ?  We see the man’s time run out. What could have happened ?

i. What is the protagonist’s feelings on immortality ?

j. What is the protagonist’s name ?

k. What is the protagonist’s plan ?

l. Who do he and the girl give time to ?

m. What could ‘cripple the system ?’

n. What is ‘the system’?

o. What is the major problem in this society, according to the protagonist ?

p. Why are the ‘bad guys’ tracking the protagonist ?  What was his crime ?

RECORD & SEND audio through the blog:

-If you could, would you want to live forever? 
Why or Why Not?
Reading Comprehension:

'Brave New World'

Oral ComprehenionOral Comprehenion

'UPLOAD - Official Trailer, Amazon Prime


1. What does it mean to 'upload'?
2.  What is the main character's name?
3.  Does he wish to spend eternity with his girlfriend? How do you know?
4. What is the name of his afterlife residence?
4.  What are rules and limits are the same in the afterlife world and in our world?
5. What is the relationship between Nathan the young woman we see thoughout the trailer?
6. How does she feel about Nathan?
7.  How does Nathan feel about being in the afterlife?

8. How did the little boy featured at the end die? 

Unit 2 - 'Just the Way You Are...'

Axe: L'amour et L'amitié

Class 'Heartbreak Playlist':

Written Expression:

(Homework 10/12) Image Analysis 'GodSpeed' by Edmund Blair Leighton  

What has inspired the scene? 
Why did the painter make those choices in color/position/objects/ etc?  
Context: research Edmund Blair Leighton and John William Waterhouse as well as the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood.  
What is their relationship to the 'romantic' period in literature? 

Evaluation Compréhension/ Expression Ecrite Monday, DECEMBER 18th

Synthèse de dossier – expression écrite basés sur trois documents (texte littéraire, autre texte, document iconographique) -2 familier documents and 1 new document

                                           1 heure 30

3 – 4 compréhensions questions (new document)

3-4 questions qui vous guide à :

- rattacher les documents à la thématique et à l’axe

- analyser/ interpréter - mettre en perspective pertinente et/ou personnelle des documents dans leur environnement littéraire et/ou dans leur contexte culturel

- avoir une approche comparative des documents du corpus


‘Courtly Love’ – Troubadours, Eleonor d’Aquitaine, Arthurian legend

(an ideal- search to better oneself in order to be deserving of reciprocation)

‘Love at First Sight’ – The Romantics : Keats, Lord Byron, Percey Shelley   (reminiscent of medieval ballads. Physical beauty is the ideal/worshiped for the emotions it evokes in the other)

 ‘Love/Hate’ – Post-Romantic/Victorian : Jane Austen’s ‘sentimental’ novels  - Pride and Prejudice (with the reinforcement of industrialisation, the breaking down of marriage as family obligation & the start of the nuclear family and marrying for love- we see the ‘love/hate’ dynamic become more and more popular in modern books & movies.  It takes us from an outside ideal of beauty, to finding beauty and perfection in a person’s inner workings.  Accepting them ‘as they are’. Finding beauty in what is has become the new ideal)

‘Agony of Love’ – Heartbreak, loss, obsession, madness, toxicity ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’  (Universal theme in all times and genres)

Poetry Vocabulary

 - Il faut produire un texte de 150 mots qui réponds aux questions

Reading Comprehension

Oral Comprehension: 
 'Just as you are' - Bridget Jones's Diary

min 1m50 - 4m

a. Before Mark Darcy’s confession, does the conversation sound like the two characters really like each other? Why does Bridget assume Mark wants to speak to her?

b. Have they met before?  How do you know?

c. What are some of Bridget’s faults, according to Mark?

d. What are some of Bridget’s faults, according to Bridget?

e. What does Mark apologize for? What were the circumstance of their first meeting?

f. What does he want Bridget to know?

g. Does she believe him?  Why does his confession surprise her?

h. What convinces her that he’s perhaps sincere? 

compare and contrast Lord Byron's poem 'She Walks in Beauty' with  Bruno Mars 'Just the Way You Are'... vocabulary, concepts, context...

Reading Comprehension:

Oral Comprehension:
Extract - 'West Side Story, scene 8 Tony meets Maria'

Unit 1 'Nonsense!'

Axe:  Imaginaire créatrice et visionnaire

Written expression:

Imagine and write a story that explains who Estragon & Vladmir are, where they are, why they wait for Godot and why they keep losing their memories...

-illustration by Viviana Pereira Costa, Première SPE Anglais

Written Comprehension:

Oral Comprehension:

'The Good Place'

Excerpt - 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' Lewis Carroll