Terminales Spé LLCE - Unit 4 'Debating Happiness'


Art et débats d'idées

Axes : Art et contestation
 Art du débat

- Art qui fait débat

Examining the 'Culture of Debate':

Rules of Debate :



Art of Debate:

'Debating Happiness' Oeuvres:




An argument based on 'Pathos' :

'The Great Dictator' speech, Charlie Chaplin, 1940

Powers of Persuasion: 


'Nosedive' - Black Mirror

Œuvre intégrale :  'Death of a Salesman' - Arthur Miller, 1947

The characters Biff and Happy debate 'happiness' and the pressures of society...

Voyages, Territoires et Frontières

Axes:  Exploration et Aventure
 Migration et Exil
   Ancrage et Heritage

Pivot Point: What was the motivation behind the exploration, settlement, and migrations across early America and how did the period impact the development of American values and culture today? 

Oeuvre Intégrale:  'The Searchers'

Reading Comprehension:

Westward Expansion

 Map of the United States Westward Expansion 

Historical Context

- the impact of the period on American language and literature

Anticipation Activity

Expression et Construction de Soi

Unit 2 'We Don't Need No Education'

Axes: Mise en scene de soi & Initiations, apprentissages

Image Iconographique:

Francis Bacon Self Portrait 1976

Reading Comprehension

excerpt 'A Portrait of a Young Artist' James Joyce 1916

'Another Brick in the Wall' Pink Floyd


                            Reading Comprehension

excerpt 'Jane Eyre, Chapter 10' Charlotte Brontë


                                     Unit 1 'Toxic Love'

Axe: L'Expression des Emotions

Document D - 'The Wave' - Pamela Colman Smith

Tarot cards by Colman Smith : 

Document C   'Walden' - Henry David Thoreau

Document B   Written Comprehension:
'Set Fire to the Rain', Adele, 2011

Oral Comprehension:

'Vampire Diaries E1 S1'

'The Vampire Diaries'

Document A Written Comprehension:

Excerpt 'Jane Eyre' - Charlotte Bronté (1847)